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General Terms and Conditions on Tractors and Machinery

General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions of "Tractors and Machinery"

1) Area of application:

tractors-and-machinery.com presents itself under employment of the world wide web as a virtual "Business-point" which is an online trading-site for advertisers and potential buyers of used agricultural machinery, heavy equipment, spare-parts, accessories, etc.

2) Liability / Warranty:

tractors-and-machinery.com ( also named as "Tractors and Machinery" ) reserves the right not to be responsible for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims regarding damage caused by the use of any information provided, including any kind of information which is incomplete and/or incorrect, will therefore be rejected.
All offers are not-binding and without any obligation. Parts of the pages, or the complete publication including all offers and information might be extended, changed or partly or completely deleted by tractors-and-machinery.com without separate announcement.

tractors-and-machinery.com provides a platform for advertisers, whereby the advertisers themselves can insert, change or remove their offers.
tractors-and-machinery.com is not responsible and/or liable, direct or indirect, for any kind of damage or loss resulting from placed advertisements or publishments.

All information on this website is provided "AS IS", tractors-and-machinery.com will not accept any responsibility or liability from any party, direct or indirect, for special or other consequential damages for any use of this website, or on any other hyperlinked website, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, any loss of programs or any other kind of data on your information handling system or otherwise, even if we are expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.

tractors-and-machinery.com makes absolutely no warranties and/or representations to any other website, which you may access trough tractors-and-machinery.com.
Any links on the tractors-and-machinery.com pages to other providers are serving for the comfort and/or convenience of the user. However no liability and/or representations for contents of these pages is taken over. Links to third parties may not be regarded as a reference or approval of these pages or the performances and the information offered by such parties. The use of the link is subject to the whole responsibility of the user. Furthermore tractors-and-machinery.com is not responsible or liable for any postings or messages published by users of discussion boards, guestbooks, mailinglists or any others, provided on his page(s).

tractors-and-machinery.com will not accept any responsibility or liability from any party, direct or indirect, concerning infected systems through viruses, worms, trojan horses and any other items of a destructive nature.

tractors-and-machinery.com reserves the right to perform any kind of modification on their Internet pages as well as the temporary cease and/or completely cease of the operation of their pages, at any time, without any prior notification or obligation.

Information on the website of tractors-and-machinery.com may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Information contained on the website of tractors-and-machinery.com may be changed at any time without prior notification or obligation.

Except as warranted in the software license agreement, tractors-and-machinery.com disclaims hereby all warranties and conditions with regard to the software, including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement.

tractors-and-machinery.com is not responsible or liable, direct or indirect, for any kind of criminal or terroristic data, texts, pictures etc. published or advertised on their Internet page(s) and reserves the right to remove and/or to reject such kind of information at any time without prior notification or obligation.

tractors-and-machinery.com reserves the right to remove and/or to reject at any time without prior notification or obligation all other kind of data, texts, pictures etc. published or advertised on their Internet page(s) which are not related naturally to the aim and target group of tractors-and-machinery.com.

tractors-and-machinery.com may reject, change or completely delete advertisements and/or quit the contractual or non-contractual relations for important reasons without adherence to a period and exclude advertisers in the long term from the participation.

tractors-and-machinery.com reserves the right to refuse a new advertiser or a specific new advertiser at any time, without prior notification or obligation and without any reasons. It also reserves the right, to permanently ban individual regular advertisers from further participation in tractors-and-machinery.com

tractors-and-machinery.com reserves the right to remove and/or to reject at any time, all published or advertised data, texts, pictures etc. from the advertiser, direct or indirect, on the Internet page(s) of tractors-and-machinery.com as long as the advertiser has not paid his invoice and/or as long as tractors-and-machinery.com has not received the money of his invoice, or as long as tractors-and-machinery.com has not received the money of the advertiser via payments by Paypal.

tractors-and-machinery.com reserves the right to remove and/or to reject at any time, all published or advertised data, texts, pictures etc. from the advertiser, direct or indirect, which includes related hyperlinks, to other similar websites with similar date-bases of used agricultural machinery and/or heavy equipment, spare-parts, accessories, etc, placed on the Internet page(s) of tractors-and-machinery.com

tractors-and-machinery.com appreciate your interest in their range of products and it is important to them that you feel very comfortable in visiting their website and therefore tractors-and-machinery.com try to ensure you a high accessibility of the server.

tractors-and-machinery.com will not accept any responsibility or liability from any party, direct or indirect, in times when the server is unaccessible or by low performing due to problems such as force majeure, maintenance work, technical problems, industrial disputes or as third parties fault.

tractors-and-machinery.com is entitled to suspend the service for any important reason as above and they will do their very utmost to keep down-times so minimal as possible, when the server is unaccessible or by low performing.

3) Acceptation of General Terms and Conditions:

By participating in the range of products of tractors-and-machinery.com the user explicitly accepts, either as advertiser, or as visitor or as bystander, the validity of these general use and trading conditions in the respectively valid version.

4) Copyright:

All information, data, texts, trademarks, logos, emblems, symbols, programs and pictures, animations, videos, sounds, graphs, stylings, colours, layouts as well as their fully arrangement on their Internet pages are reserved to tractors-and-machinery.com only. They are subject to the copyright protection rights and may not be used, reproduced, copied, changed, transferred, distributed, spread or storaged for commercial purposes and may not be used without special written permission by tractors-and-machinery.com

Copying or reproduction of the website and/or software ( in whole or in part ) to any other server, provider or location in the world for further reproduction or redistribution is expressly prohibited !!

5) Privacy & Data Storage:

During the input of your registration data you confirm also that you have read and understood our "Privacy Statement" correctly and completely.

The registrant (advertiser) himself is fully responsible for the security of his log-in data, as well as for the correctness of his registration data. These log-in and registration data can be changed permanently by the registrant himself. The final delete of registration data can only be done by tractors-and-machinery.com !

After tractors-and-machinery.com has received a new registration, these registration data will be checked first for correctness and validity by tractors-and-machinery.com. Only after approval, login details will be sent automatically to the email address of the registrant.

The visitor himself is fully responsible for the information he leaves behind in the contact form on the website of tractors-and-machinery.com or on the external pages of tractors-and-machinery.com implemented in websites of third parties.

Personal data that we process:
Registration data that we have stored are your personal first and last name, company name, private or business address, standard or mobile phone number, fax number, email address, website address, IP address and VAT number. All new or changed registration data, from new or existing registrants, will be treated confidentially, processed and stored in accordance with the applicable data protection law.

Right to inspection, modify or delete data:
All stored data as mentioned above will absolutely not shared with third parties, unless we have received a personal permission or submitted request from the registrant by registered letter, provided with a full copy of passport or identity card and citizen service number, ( mark always sensitive details on these copies black ) this to protect your privacy.
The log-in and registration data can be changed permanently by the registrant himself. The final delete of registration data can only be done by tractors-and-machinery.com !

Why are your registration and/or personal data stored:
So that we can reach you directly ( by phone or email ) if there are technical occurs with your advertisements.

Special and/or sensitive personal data that we process:
tractors-and-machinery.com has not the intension to collect or store data from new or existing registrants or visitors who are younger than 18 years !
However, tractors-and-machinery.com can not control the age of each individual, therefore we advise parents and/or guardian to check the online activities of their child(ren).
If you are convinced that we have collected or stored personal data from your child(ren) without permission, please send us a message via office @ tractors-and-machinery.com, so that we can remove this sensitive information immediately.

How long do we store your registration and/or personal data:
All data will be stored immediately as soon as you have a new registration created or if you have changed an existing registration.
As long as you want to keep your registration on tractors-and-machinery.com registered, all your data will be stored carefully.
As soon as the registrant has informed tractors-and-machinery.com by letter to delete his registration finally, all stored data will be automatically deleted hereafter.

How do we secure your personal data:
tractors-and-machinery.com takes the protection of your registration and/or personal data very seriously and takes appropriate and rigorous measures to prevent unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure, unauthorized changes, misuse and loss. If you have the impression that your data is not properly secured or if there are any indications of abuse, please contact us immediately !

office @ tractors-and-machinery. com

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