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AVR convoy from Belgium to Denmark

AVR convoy from Belgium to Denmark

On Monday 20 June, a machine convoy of eight trucks left the AVR Roeselare works in Belgium for Denmark. The West Flemish potato machinery manufacturer delivered no less than eight harvesters to its Danish dealer WekoAgro.

On the way, an additional truck with a Falcon hopper joined the convoy from the production facility in the Netherlands. This brought the total convoy to nine machines. Next harvesting season, the Danish fields will be even greener.

This export project is part of AVR's growth strategy. Sales in the home markets Belgium, the Netherlands and France remain fairly stable, so for further growth, AVR is aiming at export countries such as in Scandinavia.

According to International sales manager Tom Lootens, Denmark is a growth market for AVR. "For the last three years, we have had a very strong and motivated dealer there, WekoAgro, with three branches across the country."

AVR convoy from Belgium to Denmark

Thursday, 23 June 2022

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