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SIMA 2022: 115hp Basak addition

SIMA 2022: 115hp Basak addition

Both models use the same 3.6-litre Deutz four-cylinder block. In the 5115 it delivers 119hp, in the 5120 this is upped to 122hp. It is the axle and transmission where the differences lie. While the 5120 has a ZF front beam and a 32 speed transmission, the 5115 sources these parts from Carraro with the box having 24 ratios.Cab suspension is standard on both tractors, as is electric lift controls. Front suspension is an option with the ZF configuration.Basak has yet to finalise a price for the 5115.

SIMA 2022: 115hp Basak addition

Friday, 11 November 2022

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