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SIMA 2022: No pto shaft battle

SIMA 2022: No pto shaft battle

This extra weight is from the heavier-duty design. So heavy-duty that the pto shaft going to the tractor has its own winch to help line it up without the operator having to juggle the weight of the shaft while slipping it on to tractor stub. The winch is attached to the hose rack with a sling to support the shaft.On show was the five rotor, 760 which has a price tag of EUR63,884 when kitted out with a multitude of extras including the front gauge wheels. Each rotor carries six blades.Gyrax has been on the go for 45 years and has two production sites in the west of the country.

SIMA 2022: No pto shaft battle

Friday, 11 November 2022

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