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Väderstad Marathon Edge expands lifespan

Väderstad Marathon Edge expands lifespan

Väderstad introduces the new Marathon Edge 80 mm point. Thanks to its shape, the new heavy duty point has a high soil searching ability while adding to the lifetime compared to a standard point.

Väderstad's Marathon point range is reinforced by one of the hardest metals in the world, wolfram carbide. The Marathon's hardness helps expand its lifespan compared to a standard point, meaning longer durations between changing points.

The new Marathon Edge has a unique shape that retains the soil searching ability of a standard point, while increasing the lifespan. "This makes it the long-life point option of choice for the Väderstad Swift cultivator, says Wolfram Hastolz", Director Product Management Tillage, at Väderstad.

Marathon Edge has up to 3-4 times longer working life than a standard point, while the regular Marathon range increases the working life with 8-10 times.

The Marathon Edge is recommended for Swift 400-870, but also possible to mount on TopDown, Opus and Cultus, but we recommend a regular Marathon Point for those machines.

Marathon Edge 80 mm is available to order, with first deliveries in the spring of 2023.

Väderstad Marathon Edge expands lifespan

Wednesday, 21 December 2022

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